If you run a small business, chances are you do not have a designated social media manager. In fact, chances are that you are the one updating and posting on social media. For many small businesses joining social media is a new and confusing customer engagement strategy, but there are guidelines that can help make you savvy on social media.

Stay Social While Using Online Media
Social media is designed to keep people talking, posting and interacting. Engage in conversation with your customers. They need to feel like you are listening to them and value their input about your products and services. Social media can be a good way to speak to your customers and build an online presence.
Plan and Prep
Know where you are going before you make the jump. It is easy to sign up for a lot of social media outlets, but this can spread you thin. Try to focus on the core social media, where your customers are likely to see what you are posting. Consistency and a content calendar is key when using social media for a business. The trick is to make a schedule and stick to it. It is even possible to schedule posts for certain days, like when you have a sale or want to advertise an appetizer for Friday night.
Add Updates To Your To-Do List
Just like taking inventory or updating the books, it is important to incorporate how you use social media into the day-to-day operations of how you run your business. Make a plan for what you want to post and where it is going to be posted. Update the plan as needed to keep up with your business. It is easy to fall into a content rut. Make time to brainstorm ideas about what you are posting.
Make A Connection
Social media is to keep you connected. It will not hurt to follow other leaders in your industry and find out how they are using social media. Check in on your channels to make sure that you are engaging with your customers for a successful social media presence.
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