Imagine you’re out shopping for holiday gifts when you walk by your favorite restaurant and notice that they have a new drink special, then someone taps you on the shoulder to hand you your electric bill that’s due, only to then stumble upon an adorable puppy taking a bath in a mud puddle. At this point, you’re probably not thinking about the gifts you need to pick up anymore. Now if you’ve done any shopping in real life you know nothing like this actually happens. However, this scenario is all too common for online shoppers, with a 76% cart abandonment rate this year according to the Baymard Institute. It’s all too common to fill up your cart then get distracted by some other part of the vast worldwide web and leave behind what you had planned to purchase. Unfortunately, this is just one of many culprits related to cart abandonment. However, while we know it can’t be completely mitigated, there are a few ways to avoid cart abandonment and improve your eCommerce experience. Read along with our 2 part series to learn how more.

Trust and Transparency
Making your site trustworthy and transparent is a major component for buyers in today’s eCommerce world. Customers want to trust where their money is going and if your site is poor quality, without any verification logos or listed shipping costs then you might be handing over your business to a competitor. According to one study, 18% of customers abandoned their cart because they didn’t trust the site with their credit card information. Increase trust in the buying process by making upfront shipping costs, or add a shipping calculator to your cart. And don’t forget to display all your security verification and trust badges of well-known security logos such as PayPal, Verisign, McFee Secure, etc.
Guests and Members
By allowing customers to follow through with checking out as a guest you alleviate some of the stress that may have arisen with a long form, especially for customers who may only plan to purchase once. This can play in favor for your business if they like the product though! With another purchase in mind, the customer may sign up as a member to receive promotional emails for coupons and other benefits, including the ease of use that comes with having a credit card on file for future purchases. Some other great ways to gain and keep member sign-ups might be to give rewards or coupons to people who refer friends or purchase a certain amount of product. An immediate popup when a user enters your site that shows a “15% off your next purchase with signup” gives a benefit to the customer that may have been hesitant to buy at first.
Check back soon to read the rest of our tips for boosting eCommerce and avoiding cart abandonment over the holidays. Or maybe you want someone to deal with the hassle for you. Turn The Page St. Louis knows first hand what it takes to run a successful eCommerce, and we’re here to help. Contact us or call us today at (314) 896 1989.